Conciergerie Services provides you with all of your tour needs on your next trip to France. From museum passes and excursions, reservations and vouchers for fine dining. Like the concierge desk at a fine hotel, we are here to help you organize your trip.
Avoid the hassle of waiting in lines to get passes and tickets, and save time and money! Choose m?tro and museum passes, book a show or an excursion, go sightseeing and see the French countryside, experience the fine cuisine and a romantic dining affair, and Conciergerie Sevices will take care of everything. Your vouchers will be sent to you by email, and your passes delivered to your hotel before you arrive.
Why wait until the last minute? Many top-quality shows and tours are fully booked and need to be reserved in advance. Just like a real Parisian concierge's desk, Conciergerie Services will make booking all of tour needs easy and hassle-free.